skill development

The Isosceles Stance and Our Survival Response in a High Stress Environment

Stance is an important part of defensive shooting because a solid stance provides the needed foundation for your shooting platform. Without a stable shooting platform, you undoubtedly experience inconsistencies in your shot placement. All the other fundamentals play a role in accuracy and consistency but the stance we instinctually use under stress warrants slightly more consideration than the others. Read More…

Training for the Fight of Your Life

The answer to this is simple: “We should teach and accomplish difficult actions during training so we will be comfortable doing difficult actions in difficult real world situations.” This reminds me of a universal truth that Chief Instructor of Latent Force, Jay Izienicki states: “There is no defensive situation so bad that you can’t make it worse”. Read More…

Perils of Self Assesment in Training

Having a professional instructor allows you to gain the correct knowledge and skills to make determinations in the future about your level of skill and when and where you need more training. Unfortunately, far too many lack the skills necessary to determine their abilities and falsely assume they are competent – American Idol anyone? Read More…

Real vs Perceived Danger

How do we deal with the fear versus danger? How do we avoid going into caveman mode and relying on our primitive brain to problem solve for us in the moment of crisis? How do we change our behavior? Let me tell you how not to do it first. Read More…