Carbine 5

Duration:  10 hrs Primarily Range
Carbine 4 or other approved course

Course Objectives:
  • Safety in the Battle Space
  • Movement and Defense of Others
  • Multi-dimensional Battle Space
  • Non-conventional Shooting Positions with Nonconventional Threats
  • Search vs Engage
  • Judgmental Shooting
  • Proper application of concealment, lighting, and cover
  • Properly identifying and addressing angles and corners
Course Description:

Students continue to move ahead right from the point where Carbine 4 left off. This class quickly reveals the need for students to become bio-mechanically fluid - being determined but flexible. One of the common mistakes is to under estimate the threat presented. Students will learn to treat the threat like as if they are as good or better than the student. Carbine 5 will required each student to begin to deal with the realities of positional shooting, movement and the difficulties with size and position of the threat. Students will work to develop a mindset of willingness to do the unconventional against unconventional threats in order to not only survive but win.

During Carbine 5 students will take what they have learned about team work and communication from prior classes and apply it to the necessary skill of maneuvering and engaging in defense of another person in a multidimensional battle space. This requires that students hone their combat marksmanship and maintain safety in the battle space while simultaneously processing data to properly determine when to search vs engage (it is important to know the difference) during the gunfight.

Carbine 5 shows students how to safely and effectively move through different environments utilizing concealment, lighting, cover and corners for their advantage. One of the biggest mistakes students make is dealing with corners and angles far too late. Carbine 5 helps students understand how to identify and address angles and corners well in advance, because maintaining proper distance and creating moments in time and space to travel is critical. Be prepared to be pushed bot physically and mentally through out the course.

Minimum 500 rounds of factory ammunition for carbine and 150 rounds for handgun.

Course Fees: $175