Carbine 4

Duration:  10 hrs Primarily Range

Carbine 3 or other approved course

Course Objectives:
  • Reaffirm Team Communication
  • Combat Marksmanship
  • Kneel/Squat/Low Kneel/Prone/Supine/Roll Over Prone
  • Manipulations in positions
  • One-handed Manipulations and Shooting
  • Flow Drills
  • Multiple Target Engagement
  • Multiple Targets with Movement
  • Dynamic Team Movement
  • Use of Cover
Course Description:

Up to this point you have been working on marksmanship fundamentals because these concepts are the foundations of tactics. The reality is, in the battle space and during a dynamic defensive encounter you will more likely be using combat marksmanship skills. The fact that most students do not know the difference means this is a critical next step. Everything you've learned up to this point will be questioned and challenged. You must quickly become a more critical thinker and breakdown basic concepts and determine how they apply in new and unfamiliar defensive situations. What worked on the square range does not translate fully to the realities of the battle space therefore you must adapt what you have learned to your new reality.

Carbine 4 will begin to expand the training environment from 180 degrees to your full peripheral view. Shooting positions will change dramatically and manipulations that became second nature now become complicated. Flow drills will become a part of your new training lexicon as we incorporate multiple concepts into a single shooting evolution. More and more you will have to prioritize and problem solve simultaneously while working to eliminate threats and be aware of others in the battle space. You have to be aware of not only your partner or spouse but also victims in the fray. Proper selection of mounting positions in combination with rapid and dynamic movement will be critical for your safety and of those around you.

During this class we will address not only mechanics of defensive shooting but also the art, philosophy and mindset. Carbine 4 is where you truly begin to transition from a defensive shooter to a gunfighter. Anyone can shoot at a paper target but not everyone is prepared to shoot at another person in self defense - gunfighters are.

Minimum 500 rounds of factory ammunition for carbine and 150 rounds for handgun.

Course Fee: $175