Law Enforcement Only

A Latent Force class may be the last class you take before you have to do it for real. Are you prepared?

Fact: Law Enforcement agencies provide little advanced firearms training, beyond the academy, except to specialized units.

Fact: Current training in the market place is not always focused towards law enforcement. Most classes are extremely expensive and requires multiple days away from the job. This means the training that is critical to survival is out of reach for most.

Reality: During your deadly force encounter you will not rise to the occasion, but instead fall to your lowest level of training. Latent Force LLC is committed to making critical gun fighting skills available to all those that desire to master them. Thus, making you a true warrior in a world thick with wolves.

Latent Force was conceived in 2011 at the kitchen table by a group of guys that saw a huge gap in law enforcement firearms training and wanted to fix it providing access to affordable high quality law enforcement firearms training. We determined that our first priority was to provide the "next step" after the academy for our brothers and sisters in law enforcement. As academy firearms instructors we recognized that there were only so many things that can be covered in a set amount of time to meet the requirements. This left many things incomplete and omitted that we felt were critical to our officers safety and survival in the field. With that objective in mind, we developed our Latent Force Law Enforcement courses, to focus on those missing elements that were critically important to officer safety.

Latent Force LLC is not just another firearms training company. We pride ourselves on having one of the most professional, experienced and talented group of instructors in the Southwest. Members of our instructor team have been conducting POST academy training for handgun, shotgun and patrol rifle for more than 10 years, to hundreds of students each year. With our training roots in Arizona, we are familiar with the challenges and threats facing LEO’s in the state.

If you want to work out those pre-academy jitters, familiarize yourself with a new weapon system prior to qualification, advance your current skill level or participate in reality based Force on Force scenarios, we have courses available to help individuals, squads or large groups achieve their firearms training goals all in a LE restricted format.

We currently have one day courses available for handgun and patrol rifle, starting from fundamentals all the way to Reality Based Training utilizing Ultimate Training Munitions man marking rounds.

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