Latent Force Firearms Training

No man fears to do that which he does well. Consistent training under the observation of a professional instructor is a key component to your development as a defensive shooter. Being pushed to both your physical and mental limits is a critical component in your development to becoming a true gun fighter. Since only about 10% of shooting is physical and the rest is in your head, mental conditioning and situational awareness must become important parts of your overall training regimen. Our goal is to provide professional instruction and coaching that enables you to achieve a higher level of shooting skill than you ever thought possible. Skills that will allow you to save lives and return home to your loved ones.

The reality is, there is no single shooting platform that meets the needs of every home or individual, so you must train with what you have and find what works best for you. The best weapon in a defensive encounter with a criminal threat is the one you have, not the one you wish you had. If you are confident in its use and comfortable handling it, then you will either carry it with you all the time or have it readily available to you in your home.

Latent Force skill sets are developed through a combination of classroom lecture and practical live fire application of essential concepts. To gain the confidence and comfort with your chosen weapon requires you to train realistically with it and do it often. You must be familiar with its functionality in all conditions and be accurate with your shots. This comes from regular firearms training on your own and under the direct observation of a professional Latent Force instructor. Confidence and proper use of your weapon are gained over time and considerable amounts of practice. We have designed our progressive Latent Force firearms classes to allow shooters of all skill levels to constantly test and enhance their shooting skills and gain confidence as a shooter.

Having a house full of guns doesn't make you prepared, training does. Are you prepared?