Meaning of the Bear

In many cultures around the world the grizzly bear has come to represent the ultimate protector, wisdom, strength, power and courage. The spirit of the bear is also thought to provide strength in times of weakness or helplessness, power and courage during adversity, empowerment of personal strengths and abilities that may be underestimated, and vigor to endure and win the fight. That is why we have chosen the bear as a symbol to represent Latent Force.

The grizzly bear symbolizes the valiant and ferocious warrior spirit within us all, always there but just below the surface. They are to be respected as one of the bravest and fiercest animals that can be encountered in nature. Nothing strikes a chord of fear in the human psyche quite like the image of crossing paths with a grizzly bear in the wild. That visceral moment of fear is brought on by our knowledge that they are large, powerful and fiercely territory animals.

The realities are that grizzly bears are funny and solitary animals, simply meandering through the forests in search of berries, fish, honey and the pleasure of rubbing against a large tree – much like we do during our daily lives. They are characterized, like a true Latent Force gunfighter, much more by restraint than by ferocity. Ultimately, they are just another almost silent feature in the wilderness landscape.

But don’t poke the bear. Make no mistake, they are symbolic in many cultures as ruler of their domain for good reason. They possess tremendous strength, boundless courage, reserved power and fearlessness in defense of their inner circle and their territory. There is nothing a mother grizzly will not do to protect the lives of her cubs, up to and including laying down her own life to ensure the survival of her cubs. This is a trait shared with their human counterpart.

The many characteristics and behaviors of the grizzly bear represent the core beliefs of Latent Force and our training philosophies. Everyone can meander through their daily lives looking for berries and honey and still be prepared and situational aware by keeping a watchful eye out for the threats that exist all around us.

Your goal as a Latent Force gunfighter is to Avoid and Remove yourself from places, circumstance and people that pose potential threats to you and your inner circle or family. If neither are possible, then you must Defend yourself with speed and violence of action, and with the spirit of the bear. Your continuously trained and tested skills as a gunfighter are always there, ready to be employed at just the right time. Once you have developed the confidence and bravery of the bear it takes root and will always be there, just below the surface, until circumstance require you to make a critical and immediate change.

Stay in the fight.