What is Latent Force?

It is your focused strength that lies dormant until circumstances require you to make an immediate and critical change.

Latent Force was conceived in 2011 at the kitchen table by a group of guys that saw a huge gap in firearms training. We determined that our first priority was to provide the "next step" after the academy for our brothers and sisters in law enforcement. As academy firearms instructors we recognized that there were only so many things that could be covered in a set amount of time to meet the requirements. This left many things incomplete or omitted; things that we felt were critical to our officers safety and survival in the field. With that objective in mind, we developed our Latent Force Law Enforcement courses, to focus on those missing elements that were critically important to officer safety.

It didn't take long for us to recognize training gaps for citizen defensive shooters in the area of home and personal defense. Responsible armed citizens have become frustrated and turned off with the outdated, incomplete and unsafe training methods that have appeared on the market. Defensive shooters are looking to become more effective and more confident with their personal defense weapons and skills but need the courses available with instructors they can trust. The reality is, there are many marksmanship courses to choose from, but for the true defensive shooter those "next step" options are very limited, hard to come by, or extremely expensive and out of reach. To fill this gap we developed the Latent Force Prepared Defensive Action training courses. These courses allow for a logical progression in any individuals training and provide students the chance to build upon previously learned skills and actually see how these concepts work together to elevate any shooters skill and confidence.

Training should be educational, safe and fun otherwise what is the point. The "drill instructor" or "safety be damned" approaches to firearms training are outdated and ineffective and are long overdue for being tossed to the curb and replaced with a new approach. From our years teaching firearms academies we have learned what works and what doesn't for the many different types of adult learners. Our students have always been encouraged to provide feedback through course and instructor evaluations in a serious effort to find the "better way" that gives students the greatest learning opportunity. At Latent Force we take our jobs as coaches and mentors very serious and approach learning in a professional and encouraging way that allows for quick and easy learning of sometimes highly complex concepts. You will notice the difference.